So we have a little weaselly weasel informant "Harry" who has informed us that Crazy Cake Lady is baking her way through a cookbook. We don't know what the cookbook is, and we don't know how long she has been partaking in this Julie&Julia-esque challenge, but this does explain a lot.
We could probably just talk to CCL and ask her what's up, but it's more fun to make up stories and theories about her odd ways.
CCL brought in a beautiful cake today. It was almost as beautiful as the Easter Bunny Wedding Cake. I'd use this one for my wedding day:

Elegant Almond Amaretto Cake
Can you sue someone for making you obese? Or did that get banned when Congress banned suing fast-food joints in 2004?
-Weight-gaining worker
Marriage... what if the love of your life is allergic to almonds? Have any alternatives?