Wednesday - April 14

So we have a little weaselly weasel informant "Harry" who has informed us that Crazy Cake Lady is baking her way through a cookbook. We don't know what the cookbook is, and we don't know how long she has been partaking in this Julie&Julia-esque challenge, but this does explain a lot.
We could probably just talk to CCL and ask her what's up, but it's more fun to make up stories and theories about her odd ways.
CCL brought in a beautiful cake today. It was almost as beautiful as the Easter Bunny Wedding Cake. I'd use this one for my wedding day:
Elegant Almond Amaretto Cake

We perceive the elegance is in the slenderly-cut almonds... or the near perfect three layers. It's almost so perfect that people can cut it correctly, without having it fall in cumbles all over the place like usual. We shaved off a sliver to give it a taste test, and it was delicious. Darn you CCL, you did it again.
Can you sue someone for making you obese? Or did that get banned when Congress banned suing fast-food joints in 2004?
-Weight-gaining worker

1 comment:

  1. Marriage... what if the love of your life is allergic to almonds? Have any alternatives?
