Fridays are always the longest work day, whether you're having a good day or a bad day. The best part about Fridays, though, is that we don't have to come into work tomorrow and be subjected to fatty, sugar-filled treats.
Someone must have really liked yesterday's Fudge Filled Cookie Bars with M&Ms, because there was a $40 QFC cake with a border of the melt-in-you-mouth-not-in-your-hand candies in the lunch room today.
QFC Double-layer Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Frosting and M&M boarder
Notice how the cake is cut along the rim and not depth-wise like normal cake cutting.
We never did know how to cut a cake correctly in this office though.
Crazy Cake Lady did good this week, for the first time in a long time. Not good baking, per say, but good being consistent. She brought something everyday this week. Definitely made up for last week.
Dulce de leche cake
Dulce de leche is translated as "milk candy" in Spanish, which would explain why this cake was so freaking sweet. Caramel is the main ingredients in dishes with the name, but other than that and a few chunks of coconut we couldn't tell what was in it. Nor did we want to attempt more than a bite to avoid getting high on sugar.
We would never get sick of the sugar, but this morning we were all craving carbs.
One of our coworkers brought in a delicious-looking bagel yesterday and 24 hours later we all started craving one. The more we talked about bagels the more we wanted one. So, we bribed three people to go on a bagel run in exchange for doing their work and making a break-up call for another coworker who told the tech guy she would date his son then got cold feet. rude.
Onion bagels, Bialy bagel (with onion and cheese in the middle) and Sourdough bagel
Basil and Roasted Red Pepper Cream Cheese and Chives, Feta and Garlic Cream Cheese
Bagels and cream cheese, however are probably the worst food you could eat. After we scarfed them down we looked up the nutrition information. Bad idea. Those little cream cheese tubs are 2 oz. 2 oz of Cream Cheese = 200 calories, 20 g fat, 12 g saturated fat and 168 g sodium.
To top it off, on their little excursion to the Bagel store, they stopped by one of their house to pick up brownies and coffee cake:
Peanut Butter Brownies and Coffee Cake
Yeah, we're basically kissing bikini season goodbye and investing in floral muumuus to go swimming in. :(
-Weight-gaining worker
as funny as this blog is, i can't believe you have people at your work who actually eat cakes every day! good for you for writing a blog to help combat your cravings!