"Harry," our weaselly weasel friend had lots of good information to share with us today. So, we thought we'd share with you:
1. Crazy Cake Lady is baking out of a book called The Cake Mix Doctor, volume 1 & 2. Apparently she's trying to get her Ph.D, but we all know she's way to crazy to do that.

The Cake Mix Doctor
Yes, we included the link where you can purchase your own Cake Mix Doctor cookbook, because we know you all want to be little CCL prodigies. Just remember to wear a turtle neck while cooking from volume 1 and a button-up during volume 2.
We don't know what volume this cake came from, but if someone wants to pick up a copy and let us know if the original recipe really calls for a bunt pan cake, that would be great. At least we could eliminated one of CCL's weird obsessions.

Aunt *Cybil's Coffee Cake
We don't know who's aunt *Cybil is, because if she's really CCL's aunt she's famous because she's featured in the Cake Mix Doctor's cookbook. We have a sneaky suspicion it's not really CCL's aunt though, because we didn't think the cake was that good, to be featured in such a prestigious cookbook. It tasted like cornbread coffee cake with a cream cheese, sugar icing.
*We forget the Aunt's name written on the aluminum foil covering the cake, so we made one up and we though Cybil (pronounce Seh bull) fit quite nicely.
Also, as you know, today is Tuesday, which means:

Oh, good news,
2: CCL is NOT leaving the building. :)
...we're happy, but out fat rolls are angry.
-Weight-gaining worker
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