Oh, shoot, we were on such a sugar rush from the Easter bunny wedding cake we forgot about Pizza Day.

Bacon Chicken Tomato Pizza
Pizza Day was actually kind of exciting today, though because we had two new flavor choices: Bacon Chicken Tomato Pizza and Hawaiian. The rude secretary forgot to call us down to the lunchroom when EPM arrived though, and by the time we got there everyone was already eating:

Rude People Eating
Apparently someone put up a sign on the wall above the pizza that said "Pizza will now be an extra charge and serving size will be limited to two slices." (or something like that) Anyway, some head person almost immediately took it down and gave a speech that only designated people were allowed to hang up signs in the building. Chill out people, it was an April Fools joke. No one would pay for that sick pizza anyway.

As this blog progresses, we're finding it's not just our work that is making us fat, but works all over the country - which makes us feel way better about ourselves ;)
Julee from Renton, Wash., sent us this picture of a cake at her work:
Vicky Dean cake
"It was a Paula Dean recipe that a gentleman (Vic) I work with revised some of the ingredients and changed then name. It's a yellow cake mix with coconut milk, then it has Lemon Curd as a filling between the layers, and Lemon Curd added to the Cream Cheese Frosting, then it's sprinkled with coconut. It was really good!"
Yummmmm looks delicious. It even looks better than that cracked out Easter bunny wedding cake that CCL didn't even make because she hates us. Yes, April Fools. CCL has abandoned us yet again and didn't bring any cakes in today. She has one more day to make it up to us.
(Hey, at least we didn't do a mean April Fool's joke and put cream cheese on your deodorant)
-Weight-gaining worker
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