Finally, we have made contact with Harry the Weaselly Weasel and have found out what is going on with Crazy Cake Lady:
“CCL had to go underground, there is a lot of oppression against her confectionary delights so they are hidden,” Harry said Monday afternoon.
For a while she was only sharing her secret with a select few. The few she thought she could trust with her dessert’s life; the few who knew about the cake in the cupboard Friday.
“We were walking around with big heads; those of us who knew where the cakes were,” Harry said.
Apparently we at WMMF were not one of the chosen ones. We, the weirdos who only come to stare and take pictures of CCL’s desserts, were not told where to find the hidden gems. Instead, one of her minions informed us. That shows her who she can trust around here.
But, why does CCL have to hide her sugar coated gifts?
“Well,” Harry said, “there was an ongoing problem with crumbs, and there were occasionally ants going after those crumbs.”
But the crumbs weren’t CCL’s fault. CCL always tried preventing the crumbs so should could continue her cake doctorate training and tempt us with her cakes, cookies, brownies or whatever else she could make with 4,022 calories and 187 grams of sugar per serving.
“CCL is always very meticulous about cleaning the area where she places the cakes and the dishes associated with them,” Harry said. “The problem is that she usually cleans up before lunch, around noon, and after she leaves for the day, and the powers to be, unfortunately, see the feeding frenzy at 10 a.m.”
Seeing the worst of the cake mauling doesn’t help CCL’s practice. People are just going to have to learn to be tidier if they want to support CCL or be prepared to fight against the powers.
“This is not the first time cake lady has been persecuted but she has returned,” Harry said. “The cakes will always return.
“By the way,” Harry added, “I would still like to hang out with you guys in a totally non plutonic way.”
Harry, with all this information, you’re welcome in our office any day, whether you wink at us and give us flowers or not. ;)