Apparently Memorial Day has our doughnut delivery man all messed up. For the first time since we can remember, he forgot about Doughnut Day. But, no one was too worried, because Crazy Cake Lady always comes through.

Lemon Chiffon Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
Our other co-worker also brought in treats. Thank god Seattle is banning summer and remaining a cool, wet 50 degrees even in June. If we're never going to show off our swim suit bods, we might as well eat; right?

Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies
Macadamia nuts are expensive, but she was able to lavishly fill her cookies with them because she purchased a cereal-sized bag of macadamias during her recent vacation to the Hawaii Costco. Apparently, no Hawaiian vacation is complete without a trip to Costco.
We didn't have any extensive Memorial Day party, despite hopes that CCL would stock up on leftovers from the extended weekend, but our Twitter friend @My_Ideal_Life did.
These are pics from her work's potluck:

Jello/Cake/Strawberry/Cool Whip Casserole Dessert
I don't know how I feel about the green coloring.. it looks kind of festive though.. in a Christmas kind of way.

6 Layer Cookie Bars
(they turned out much better than last time)

Mini Cherry Cheesecakes from the potluck
(These are a favorite in our office!)
I think those would be a favorite in our office too ;)
"That was all I could get pictures of, unfortunately," @My_Ideal_Life said. "People do look at you funny when you try to photograph the food. . ."
haha. Welcome to creeper status. People look at us weird everyday. Especially since we get the cakes out, pick off a small taste and put it back in the fridge without really eating anything. Just tell them it's for a project, and they are usually too confused/scared to want to know anything more. ;) Thanks for the pics, @My_Ideal_Life! We hope it's not bikini season where you are, yet, either.
-Weight-gaining worker.
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