We are actually really bored with Crazy Cake Lady, which is why sometimes we'll abandon this blog until something exciting happens. Not that today was really exciting.. we had the usual Tuesday Doughnuts ...

But CCL did try to mix it up with a Clafoutis.

Prune Clafoutis Cake
What's a Clafoutis, you ask? Well.. that's a good question; and we think CCL should learn this too.
A Clafoutis is a French dessert of "black cherries arranged in a buttered dish and covered with a thick flan-like batter, dusted with powdered sugar and served lukewarm," according to Wikipedia.
CCL, breaking with tradition, opted for prunes for her clafouti, completely botching the traditional dessert, and changing the name altogether.
What CCL actually made was a flaungrade.
CCL: 0 EDB/Wikipedia: 1.
When we looked Clafoutis up online, CCL's didn't look like the pictures, so we didn't eat it...
-Weight-gaining worker
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