Now that we all know Crazy Cake Lady likes to make made-up cakes - she's soo CrAZzZZzzY! - this one shouldn't really come as a surprise...

Banana Bread Cake with Orange Frosting
Leave it to CCL to make water into wine, or in this case, bread into cake. For all of you looking to make similar acts of genius, all you need to do is bake anything in a cake pan and slap some frosting on top. CCL must have been slapping a lot of frosting on top cakes recently, because she came into the lunchroom with a bandaged hand today. We don't know what was wrong with her, but Secretary kept telling her that she looked pale and that she should run cold and hot water over her hand. CCL, however, dismissed Secretary's suggestions and told her she "couldn't do that because it messes up her Chi." - must be an Oom Yung Doe thing. She was talking about just leaving instead. Hopefully she comes back tomorrow with hand-stirred chocolate pudding so we know she at least did some work at home, despite the pain.
Memorial Day is fabulously making the week go faster, which totally made us forget about Pizza Day. Instead of the screeching "Piizzzzzzzzzzzza" call we usually get over the speaker phones we got a nice little visit from Secretary because she forgot about us. She walked over to our cubical, where we all 5 of us sat jammed in a semi-circle eating our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, to tell us the pizza was here; just in case we couldn't smell it.

We stuck to our sandwiches.
-Weight-gaining worker
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