Monday - March 29

It's been raining and dreary all day. Crazy Cake Lady didn't bring any treats, doughnut day isn't until tomorrow and Friday isn't for four more days. Adam didn't even come by to ram his little face into the window. Blech, Mondays.
Thank goodness we have fans who cheer us up with delicious food pictures:

Chocolate Chip Cookies
"They asked how I got them to turn out so perfect and round, and said I should submit them to the fair," @JaderB23 said. "I didn't tell them all I did was roll out pre-made cookie dough."

Umm... hold up. There's a cookie fair?! Where??
Those cookies do look delicious. Thanks, @JaderB23!
Instead of desserts we ate oranges, dried mango slices, apples, plums, red peppers, hummus and other healthier foods. So, that's a plus.
We're still craving CCL's treats though, makes sense too, according to that story that linked junk food to crack. *shaking, shaking, sweating*
-Weight-gaining worker

1 comment:

  1. those cookies look sooooo good. i might have to go out and get some pre-made Pillsbury cookie dough and make some!
