This blog usually focuses on desserts, which this post will still do later, but today we're going to focus on something a little more important to overall health: My bright yellow food thermometer.

Bright Yellow Digital Food Thermometer
A coworker and I purchased these thermometers - she choose a teal blue one - online last week and they finally came in. If you know anything about cooking, you probably know how to use a use one of these and why they're used. (The picture above is not a useful technique for a thermometer.) When cooking anything that could potentiality harbor dangerous foodborne bacteria,( ie: chicken, hamburger, leftovers, etc.) heating to the correct temperature ensures the pathogens are killed and won't make you sick. Thanks to this baby, I can avoid E. coli and Salmonella, which include fabulous symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, kidney failure and death. They're also only like $10, so you should probably buy one.
If reviewing E.coli and Salmonella symptoms isn't a great lead in to a football field-sized Happy Birthday sheet cake, I don't know what is.

QFC Happy Birthday Cake
Cake Lady passed on making the birthday cake today, but I'm pretty sure everyone would have appreciated it if she did.. because this happened..

Coworker D taking a bite...

Coworker D's bright green tongue
Apparently QFC thinks it's funny to make enormous cakes that turn people's mouths green. The best part was when it happened to the first few people who didn't know about it. A couple people were standing around talking when another girl came up and told them their teeth were green; like REALLY green. They just stood there in embarrassment. We just made Coworker D do it so we could take a picture for the blog. ha.
It's not April 1st yet QFC, this is not very funny. OK, yes it is..
We'd also like to thank our Twitter friend, @My_Ideal_Life, who sent us a picture of food she brought into her work.

Seven Layer Cooke Bars without three of the layers
Unfortunately, we can't tell you what the seven layers were supposed to be or what the four actually in the picture were, because she didn't tell us. We're pretty sure one layer is coconut though. Thanks @My_ideal_Life!
If you have any treats at your work send them to us on Twitter, Facebook or e-mail Easter is coming up, make something deliciously fattening for your employees then laugh at them later. That's what CCL does.
Happy Friday!
-Weight-gaining worker
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