Apparently Quality Food Center (or QFC to you simple folk) has replaced Crazy Cake Lady. We don't know if it's the competition she can't handle or if she just wants new pens, but she's been really losing this week. We'd also like to thank her for making one of us crave sweets so much a mid-day Starbucks run yesterday resulted in eating stale $3 Red Velvet cupcakes.
You know what else is failing? My dumb camera phone. It won't let me upload pictures of the treats today and our usual, awesome photographer is out of the office until Thursday. But don't worry, I've got options...

(via picture from Feb. 2. Good thing QFC sticks to their same doughnut-making techniques week after week! And good thing Tuesdays are apparently Doughnut Day.)

Chocolate cake
(OK, it doesn't look this great and the lunchroom isn't decorated like a 6-year-old girl's birthday party, but you get the idea. Just imagine it minus the strawberries on a plastic store-bought cake tray. And make the frosting a little more plastic-ey.)
Also, thanks to @trendymartini for tweeting us another picture of her work treats. Check out her vanilla cupcakes with kindergarten-primary-colored sprinkles here: . We should probably just add her to the staff ;)
Cake Lady, we're sorry we called you crazy, please come back, QFC is lame.
-Weight-gaining worker.
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