Thursday - Feb. 25

We knew today would be a good day. Because today is Thursday. And Thursday is Pizza Day. That means we would at least get ONE new food picture today. And that's basically what we got.
Cake Lady is still revolting against her trained-sweet-toothed co-workers. We did, however, spot her sitting with a few others munching on homemade pecan cookies, but they snatched them away before we were able to sneak a picture.
They looked something like this:
Pecan cookies
(We knew Cake Lady did not make the cookies because they were packaged in tupperware, not foil)
Then, finally, Evil Pizza Man came.

Trying to give you readers a different perspective on Pizza Day, we snuck a picture from his delivery:
Pizza bag
(One of two jumbo-bags, plus a Safeway bag of Pepperoncinis and parm. and crushed red pepper packets)

Thank goodness the week is almost over. We hope Cake Lady cheers up soon,
-Weight-gaining worker


  1. I'm patiently awaiting the day the crazy cake lady is back; I'm sure the blog with be amusing :)

  2. Work Makes Me Fat2/25/10, 3:07 PM

    :( We are too. Maybe we should bake her a cake to cheer her up?
