Monday - September 27
Monday - September 20
Wednesday - September 15
Tuesday - September 14
Monday - September 13

Friday - September 10
Thursday - September 9
Abandoned followers have asked if Crazy Cake Lady stopped making cakes. That answer, is a definitive “No.” She, unlike us, has continued the tradition of daily cake feasts. She, unlike us, has not faltered to boredom or expense or time constraints and stopped making treats. Not even for one day.
I guess that’s what makes her crazy.
We’re going to try, once again, to live with a little CCL passion. Because who doesn’t need a little more foodporn in their lives?
Thanks to the Facebook petition and dedicated followers, like @JaderB23, who, unlike us, never gets bored of looking at crumbly, melty, sticky, sugary treats day after day. For you, some cookies:
Oh, and yes, Thursdays are still pizza day. But we’re taking this one from the archives.
At least bikini season is ending.
-Weight-gaining worker