Thursday - March 10

I’ve noticed working at a place with nearly all women actually results in less treats than more. The talk of working out and losing 8 pounds of body fat fills the halls more than the smell of Crazy Cake Lady cakes. Maybe CCL was crazy for making cakes every day, but she sure wasn’t ashamed of it. That’s what was so great about her. As women know, there’s always a time when we can’t turn down a morsel of chocolate. And that time is… birthdays!

The Best Mini Brownies

Honestly, I don’t know how Met Market can advertise these as mini brownies. They look bigger than any brownie I’ve ever cut from a tray. Albeit, sometimes I’ll cut a double-sized brownie just to say I only ate one. But really, the round store bought brownies are not bite-sized or mini, in my opinion.
We also had bagels today from Noah’s Bagels.

Noah’s Bagels Assorted Bagels

Unfortunately, it’s not only cakes and cookies and brownies that can make you fat at work. Throw a little reduced-fat Honey Almond Shmear, though, and you’ll be fine ;)

What do your coworkers serve for birthdays?? E-mail or Tweet @workmakesmefat!


Weight-gaining worker

Tuesday - March 8

Today is Fat Tuesday, and you know what that means, beer, boobs and food. For those of us not in New Orleans, Fat Tuesday can easily slip by without celebration, but not for us at the office. In celebration of Mardi Gras, “the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season,” (via: wikipedia, duh) a coworker brought in treats that combined two holidays into one!

(Fat Tuesday) St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock Shortbread Cookies

I’m sure CCL didn’t share store-bought cookies with the old coworkers for such an important day, but I guess it will do. We haven’t had treats in the office for 2 weeks, so it was nice to have some sugar to nom on to help us get through the day.

Of course, when there’s not any treats in the office, we just walk down to Starbucks. It’s so convenient living in Seattle. And, although Starbuck’s wasn’t celebrating Fat Tuesday either, they were celebrating a wonderful milestone of 40 glorious, caffeinated years.

They now have a new logo featuring the Siren riding solo, without the “Starbucks Coffee” words. But really, who needs them? We all know who the beaut is within the famous green circle.

Double Short Non-Fat Vanilla Latte

And because Starbucks knows we need sugar to get us through the workday, whether we have a local CCL or not, from March 10-12 between 2 and 5 p.m., it is giving away a free Starbucks Petites dessert with the purchase of a handcrafted beverage. Love it.

What did you eat for Fat Tuesday?? E-mail or Tweet @workmakesmefat!


Weight-Gaining Worker