Even though I'm no longer surrounded by the craziness of Crazy Cake Lady, a job change has only affirmed the fact that, indeed, Work Makes Me Fat. Although I can’t count on the multi-layered cakes and baby food excursions of the past, there is still at least a few treats every week at my new job that packs on the pounds.
As I’ve abandoned this blog as I’ve abandoned CCL, I’ve tried to abandon the fact that work makes me fat. But it’s all been in false light. So, we meet again with a treat of:
White Frosted Vanilla Cupcakes with Candied Sprinkles
Decorated, with help, by a co-worker’s 4-year-old daughter. While I’m not strong enough to resist a sparkling rainbow mini cake of deliciousness, I try to talk myself out of taking a bite knowing there were probably quite a few slobbery fingers touching the treats before I did. But, today, it doesn’t matter. It’s cold here and it’s been a rough morning, and a sparkly cupcake made by a toddler can always brighten the day.
Did you miss us? Send us your work treats from the past/future at: workmakesmefat@gmail.com & on Twitter @workmakesmefat
-Weight-gaining worker