CCL is back from her vacation. You know, that thing where you get to go somewhere tropical and lay on a beach with your significant other, or visit family out of town, ski in the mountains, swim in the ocean, rent a fabulous hotel room with a huge, comfy bed to roll around in and think about everything except work... Yeah, we miss vacations. Lucky for CCL, she's been gone for the past 2 weeks. We don't know where she went, but we have a feeling what she didn't do... or did.. but liked eating cake better...

CCL's Better than ____ Cake
Apparently the word "sex" was inappropriate for the work environment, but the message came across clear. We're not surprised CCL wouldn't like anything better than cake. And if we were her husband, we wouldn't be surprised either. Poor guy.
At least he has football to watch while eating cake.
Too bad CCL doesn't make these super cute cookies...

Football Cookies
our other, way cuter and less cake-obsessed coworker made them. These definitely make boys swoon. Although, we think some may like these better than sex... well.... probably not..
-Weight-gaining worker